Participant Rules and Media Policy
We use very visible and obvious video cameras at our events, we use disclaimers and people always have the right to request not to be filmed or photographed.
Filming always takes place in a controlled area, apart from Foam or Paint parties, which are vary rarely filmed and only for promotional purposes.
We respect people's right to privacy and will always remove any video or picture from this website upon request from anyone in said video or picture.
We do not allow any type of nudity or sexual acts at any of our events, this is to protect the licence of the venue and because it is not our policy to allow such behaviour. Any failure to abide by our rules could result in expulsion from the venue.
Nor do we allow any such media on our website.
We also request that NO seriously intoxicated people take part, if your too drunk you won't be allowed to take part.
Please listen to the operator/staff at all times.